Welcome to COVID-19 Tracker

Stay informed. Stay Safe.

Pandemic is not a word to use lightly or carelessly. It is a word that, if misused, can cause unreasonable fear, or unjustified acceptance that the fight is over, leading to unnecessary suffering and death.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom World Health Organization Director General
image of Dr. Adhanom

Thank you for looking at our project. Our goal with creating this application is to make sure that the people are staying informed and staying safe. The effect that Coronavirus has had on the world has been unprecedented, and reaped permanent social changes in how countries across the globe respond to pandemics and share information. With the major affect of COVID-19 in mind we have made functions to attempt to bring up-o-date and relevant information people to allow them to make the best decisions to keep themselves and their families safe.

Info Page

This page contains information to help people learn about how the virus spreads, how they can protect themselves, and the symptoms one might experience when contracting the virus.

Stats Page

This page contains statistics on the number of cases , number of deaths, and new cases by country with the hope that we can narrow information down by city or county in the future.

Map Page

This page has a heat map, or choropleth map depending on the phase of development. At this point in time it will have only a map of the US, with the hope of adding more countries in the future.